Shower Replacements

Shower Replacements in Port St. Lucie, Fl

Everyone deserves a relaxing shower at the beginning and end of the day. But it can be difficult to feel at ease if your walk-in shower looks scrappy and outdated.

A few cracks and watermarks may give an old shower some character. But if the molds, low water pressure, and leaky pipes are starting to bother you, your bathroom may be due for a shower replacement.

But if you’re curious about what other ways a shower replacement can benefit your bathroom, here are a few ideas to consider:

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Replaces old shower fixtures

Broken and corroded shower fixtures can become inconvenient when you’re trying to take a quick shower. So replacing faulty faucets and shower heads will not only improve efficiency but will also allow you to shower in style.

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Improves accessibility

Accessibility adjustments, like installing handrails or removing barrier bases, can make showering safer for a loved one with mobility issues.

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Upgrades design

Since showering in a dingy and outdated stall is not enjoyable for anyone, a quick shower replacement is an easy way of improving your showering experience.


A shower replacement may not make a dramatic change in your bathroom, but the right colors and design can give a huge impact on anyone that gets to enjoy your amenities.

So if you’re ready to have the most enviable shower in Port St. Lucie, book a consultation with our professionals now.

If you have any questions about bathroom remodeling in Port St. Lucie, Fl or nearby, please call:

(772) 202-0350 OR Submit A Contact Form

Frequently Asked Questions About Shower Replacements

How do you revamp an old shower?

Remodeling your old walk-in shower won’t only be about fixing and replacing old fixtures. But switching old faucets and shower heads into a more modern design can make a big difference in the efficiency and flair of your bathroom.
Repainting walls or installing new shower tiles can also make an old walk-in shower look more lively. But if you want to go all out, installing new shower stalls or adding a glass shower door can make a simple bathroom look more elegant.
So if you have any bathroom remodel ideas that you’d like to incorporate, our contractors will help you get the best shower that you and your family will adore.

How much does it cost to put in a new shower?

The average cost for installing or replacing a walk-in shower in Florida can get around $6,653, but the price can change depending on the design and materials you’d like your bathroom to have.
During your in-house consultation, professional contractors of our company will discuss the designs and changes your shower replacement project could include so you’ll have an expected budget to work with.
So rest assured our competitive prices will comprise of high-quality materials and services, so you can get the best results.

How long should a shower remodel last?

Under the best working conditions, a simple shower replacement will take our contractors about 3-5 days to complete. But it will also depend on the type of design and amount of work your walk-in shower will need to get into a functional and stylish state.
Repairing plumbing issues, like a clogged drain and low water pressure, are also considered when making a timeline. But you can trust our professionals to work efficiently so you can see the results as soon as possible.